Contact the technical support of the platform by starting a chat with the manager. Or open the "Contact Us" section. In the form provided, describe your proposal and attach supporting documents for your additional specialization (a diploma and a doctor's license). Click "Submit".
If the client has an insurance policy, he will have the opportunity to book the service as an “Insured Event”. When booking a service, you must specify the policy number in order to make sure that the service will be obtained by using the policy. But the compensation of funds occurs only through an insurance company. MyHeal is not responsible for the relationship between the user and the insurance company.
When registering on the platform, choose your role: doctor or family doctor. Upload all the documents that prove your qualification, click "Save" and wait until the platform moderator confirms it.
In your personal profile, scroll to the ‘Referrals’ section and click ‘Create new referral’ on the right side of the screen. Select the desired patient from the drop-down list. The fields with the patient's email address and telephone number are filled in by the system automatically. Then choose the Referral Category (which test the patient should take). You can specify several tests at once. And add the venue and date of the assigned medical test, click Create. You can now view a list of referrals created for patients.
Before you can create a service, you must make the following two steps:
1 Create your work schedule.
To do this, go to the "Appointment calendar" in the side menu (immediately in this section by clicking on the "?" Button you will be able to view detailed step-by-step instructions on "How to create a work schedule").
2 Fill in the "Education" field.
This can be done in the personal profile settings - in the following field.
Then, in the My Services section, enter the name of the new service, its description, duration, and cost. You can create free promotional services to attract more patients. Remember - detailed instructions can be found by clicking on the "?" in sections of the platform.
Please note that once the service is created, it will be automatically submitted for moderation. After confirming, the expert will need to activate this service by following the appropriate link in the notifications. Or activate the service in the Services menu section by clicking on the menu icon at the right top corner.
Registration for users and experts on the platform is free!
Each specialist independently indicates the price for their services. The Safe section is currently under active development, so we recommend paying for services outside the platform. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience!
On the MyHeal platform, the user can give the doctor access to all or only certain documents in the local storage for a specific time.
To send an access request, the expert must go to the "My patients" section, select client/patient from the list and click on the green button "Medarchive". The user will receive a request notification and after confirming it, the doctor will have access to the patient's files.
You can read the instruction here
When you create and edit a service, it will be automatically submitted for moderation. After its confirmation by the administrator, it will become active and will be available for booking. To make the service unavailable and remove it from the profile page, open the menu and click "Deactivate".
The patient can book an active service during the available working hours specified by you in the work schedule.
You will receive a notification after a new service booking. All booked services are automatically placed in the appointment calendar. To confirm the reservation, click on it in the calendar, go to the service booking page and select "Confirm". Unconfirmed bookings will be indicated by the orange colour in the schedule.
To start the service, go to the video consultation page at the specified time. You can do this from the service page via the "Appointment Schedule" or by clicking on the notification that will appear when the service starts.
Please note! Video consultations via mobile application are in test mode. For stable video connection it is recommended to use the web version of the MyHeal platform in the Chrome browser
After completing the service, you will be able to leave a medical conclusion for the patient on the service page. Video from the consultation will be saved and available for you and your patient.
If you found a needed doctor in the search and you want to use his/her services, please click on the ‘Read more’ button to view the expert's profile. Then you need to click on the heart icon to add the doctor to your list of favourites. In order to see the whole list go to the ‘My appointments’ section, select ‘My doctors’ tab and scroll to the ‘List of favourite doctors’.
You can cancel a doctor's appointment in the ‘My appointments’ personal account section.
Screening is a program for primary examination. MoniHeal will offer an individualized plan for research, medical tests, consultation and will recommend proven clinics, laboratories and diagnostic centers within your location.
Monitoring system - forms the necessary generalized recommendations for the examination of health status according to age. This project needs to be clarified and finalized together with a doctor, taking into account the specific data of the patient. To get started, you need to activate and run a primary screening program that is also generalized and requires correction by a famaly doctor.
The assessment is provided by one client for one doctor in the form of ‘+’ or ‘-’ and a textual explanation. Personal health managers and family doctors may make a separate assessment of an expert after each consultation or other medical service performed by them for their wards.
1) Check if the information you have indicated is correct (email address);
2) Check the "Spam" and "Promotions" sections in the email, if the letter did not go to the "Inbox" folder.
3) Contact with MoniHeal technical support.
It can be difficult for people to understand what to expect from any software or service they use today. The technologies that have entered our lives sometimes can be quite difficult. People do not have time to understand the details. This also applies to MyHeal, where we see that users have many different ideas about what happens after registration when providing personal data.
At MoniHeal, we respect and protect your personal information:
- we adhere to the principle of data confidentiality, which determines our approach to personal information on the MyHeal platform for computers and mobile devices;
- we collect only the data that will help us to create even better products;
- we give people the ability to control their own data and provide access to it on their own authority
You can register an account for a loved one who cannot use the service on their own.
For example, an account for the elderly people or for children under the age of 16. This is a great opportunity to start monitoring your child's health from the very first days of his or her life.
Register your family members in order to monitor their health condition, book medical services for them, as well as manage their medical archives online.
To begin with, please read the Terms of Use of MyHeal, because during registration you must consent to the processing of personal data of your ward.
To register a ward, go to the Personal account and select the category ‘My wards’ from the side menu of the profile. On the right side, click on the button ‘Register a ward’. Specify your ward’s login, name, gender and date of birth. Enter your phone number and come up with a password. Enter your ward's email, if your ward does not have it, please register a new one. The system identifies each user by email, which receives a letter with a link to confirm and complete registration.
After confirming the registration, in the section "My wards" you can switch to the ward's account. The system creates a personal electronic medical office for them. You can book the doctors services, download all medical data in order to monitor your ward’s health and prevent illness or serious threats to their life in the future!
A client who has previously studied information about medical expert`s professional skills has the opportunity to order doctor’s consultation online. The client and the expert will be able to communicate with each other via video or audio call at agreed time. To start video consultation both participants should follow the link to be redirected to the video call page. The online consultation process will be recorded, all video or audio material will be saved and available to view for both the doctor and a client. If you have difficulties making a video call please read "Reasons why video calls might not work?"
Please note! Video consultations via mobile application are in test mode. For a stable video connection, it is recommended to use the web version of the MyHeal platform in the Chrome browser.
It can happen because of:
1) Poor internet connection.
Make sure you have a good Internet connection. The user will receive notifications if the quality is poor.
2) Incompatibility of browsers.
Make sure that two parties use the same browser during the call.
3) Microphone or camera is not connected.
Before making a call, make sure that all devices are on and non-faulty. Notification with the red microphone or camera icon means that communication devices are disconnected.
4) It is not allowed to use audio or video devices in your browser.
Additional plugins of privacy and protection, adblocks installed to your browser might block the camera on your device! Try to turn them off before making a video call!
On the MyHeal platform the doctor can refer patients for analysis online. The patient will be automatically notified of a new referral in his personal e-office. The user can view the list of all referrals and upload its results to his personal medical records on the platform. The patient can share the results of the tests with his doctor. In such way the doctor will be able to track any changes of patient's health indicators.
You can always get in touch with MyHeal tech support if you have any questions or difficulties using the platform. You can start a chat with the support manager by clicking on the green chat icon at the bottom of the screen. You can also contact us via ‘Contact Us’ form. Just scroll any platform page to the bottom and in the ‘Company’ section fill in the ‘Contact Us’ form. There is also opportunity to write to us at info@moniheal.com or call us +38(093)059-43-44.
Technical Support works Mon-Fri from 9:00 AM to 06:00 PM. Please leave us your message during non-working hours as well!
Our manager will contact you as soon as possible!
Medical archive is your personal electronic medical card. Anytime, from any computer or phone connected to the internet, you can have access to it. From now on, data and the results of all consultations, studies, tests, medical conclusions and appointments will be stored in one place. You can also upload results of tests and analysis and specify your own physical parameters to keep track of your health condition in the Health dynamic section. You have the opportunity to print and copy all data from the archive to other electronic memory devices and to manage access to your medical data (read more about it in the FAQ section Access to medical archive)
It’s no longer necessary to carry piles of papers with all the medical conclusions, analysis and researches. You don’t have to worry about losing something, as everything stored safely in one place. Only you have access to your medical data, but you can open archive for the doctors as well.
With the help of medical archive data, doctors can monitor patients' health status to determine their illness and prevent diseases in future. The distance is not a problem either. No matter from which city or what country medical specialist is, as all medical data available online. Doctors can consult on cases with foreign medical colleagues and perform consiliums on the MyHeal platform.
The doctors can access client's personal electronic medical archive, only if the clients give such permission. The doctor, upon agreement with the client, may have access to the client's electronic medical records, either permanently or for a specified period of time. The client may at any time terminate access to his or her personal electronic medical records to any or all individuals who have previously been having access to the personal electronic medical records.
Go to the side bar menu ‘Settings’ section. Then go to ‘Notifications’ tab where you can adjust the messages you want to receive. To avoid missing important messages, we recommend that you do not turn off the checkbox.
In the search field you can find an expert by the following parameters: name, medical specialization, service, keywords. With the help of advanced filter you can also search for a doctor by additional criteria: expert’s location (city) and/or price of the service.
To add a new document to the repository, click “Create new entry” in the upper right corner. Enter a name, add a description, select category, add a file (photo, scan, or text document), specify the date (by default it is set the date when the record was created, but it is reasonable to indicate the time when the tests and examinations were actually conducted), click Save.
After synchronization, you can view, edit, print and delete all downloaded files from local storage in the My Records section.
Local archive is an additional, secure storage of your downloaded medical data (anamnesis, tests, medical specialist('s) opinion, etc). When using Local Storage, your data will be stored on your device only and will be deleted from MyHeal platform.
To activate the local storage you need to tick "Save all archive data locally". Doing this you can activate/deactivate storage whenever you need this.
We recommend you to backup your files in order to recover it after accidental deletion. To make a copy go to the Local Medical Archive and click the “Backup my data” button. After that, all deleted documents will be available for "Recovery" and re-download.